Over the years, we have worked with consultants and specialists that we are now proud to call our core team
Lee Probert
Founder & Creative Technologist
Liam Mckill
Chief Metaverse Officer
Nolan Pearson
Immersive Design Strategist
Andy Repton
Creative Director
Simon Lamey
Lead Digital Strategist
Ramine Ravanbakhsh
Business Development
Katherine Mengardon
Learning Specialist
Shilay Lam
Project Manager
Amanda Mariano
Metaverse Architect
Carlo Santoriello
3D Specialist
Weald Creative is the founding member of a collective of likeminded companies focused on Creative and Immersive Technologies. Together, we are ...
Spatial Imagineers Network logo

Why join a collective?

Joining a Collective allows small creative agencies to stay independent while accessing resources and expertise usually available only to larger firms. By collaborating, agencies can offer clients a broader range of services and share the load on projects, freeing up time to focus on core strengths. Members benefit from a shared client base, increased networking opportunities, and a supportive community that understands the unique challenges of smaller agencies. Additionally, pooling resources reduces operational costs, making it easier to handle larger projects and compete with major agencies without the associated overhead.

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Why hire a collective?

Hiring a Collective brings clients the best of both worlds: the innovation and agility of small agencies combined with the comprehensive services typically found at larger firms. Working with a Collective means access to specialized talents across disciplines, from branding to web design, in one coordinated team. Collectives are flexible, adapting quickly to project needs while remaining cost-effective. Clients benefit from the high level of creativity, diverse perspectives, and dedicated attention that only a network of passionate, independent creators can provide—without paying for the extensive infrastructure of a traditional large agency.

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